Morning Rituals to Inspire Healing and Transformation


Ritual as a daily practice is a way that injects the sacred into the ordinary. You have the power to bring in a little magic, healing and transformation into your daily life when you begin your day with intention and love.  

There are different ways to incorporate ritual which can be as simple as mindfully taking a bath, stretching your body or repeating a positive affirmation to yourself in the mirror each day.  No matter what the activity is, being present and in a state of mindfulness is what’s important. 

Mornings are a sacred time as they hold so much potential based on what you feel, think and focus your attention on. As you go about your morning routine, focusing your thoughts on your intentions allows you to start your day in a high-vibrational state. This is important, knowing that the morning sets the energetic tone for the rest of the day.

Healing holistically incorporates mind, body and spirit to bring in balance and alignment. So your morning routines should also bring awareness to all these areas of yourself.

You may already have some morning rituals that you abide by, then I encourage you to elevate these activities by doing them with intention and becoming fully present as you move through your morning routine. If you are looking to add a little magic to your morning here are few other ideas.

Step 1: Rituals for the Mind

On their own positive affirmations, intention setting and meditation rituals are all practices that are powerful tools to shift your mindset and bring you into a state of mental well-being while boosting your vibrational frequency. Positive affirmations and intentions can be powerful ways to reprogram the subconscious mind, but just saying them is only part of the process. 

Maximize their effectiveness by meditating on your affirmations and intentions. In meditation the conscious mind re-connects itself to its source in silence, realizing its own full potential, the infinite potential of divine intelligence. Begin the day with a Mindful Affirmation Meditation to create a whole new reality and affirm your healing. In Mindfulness Affirmation Meditation, we use ‘I am…’ affirmations.  Close your eyes, sit quietly or lay down, breathe deeply, slowly and calmly repeat the words. Breathe in slowly, down into the belly and gentle repeat the affirmation ‘I am ....”  on each in breath. Visualize the positive feelings you want to create or the goals you want to achieve each time you say your affirmation.


Step 2: Ritual for the Body





- Rumi

Breathwork is a powerful tool we all possess within our own bodies to create deep emotional and physical healing.  Our breath is sacred and is our very life force. It is our connection to spirit and when we breathe consciously we feel truly alive. Studies show that one of the most significant factors in a person’s health and longevity is how well they breathe. Make breathwork a daily ritual to transform the way you feel on the inside. Morning breathing exercises are best practiced first thing when you’ve just woken up and before you’ve eaten anything. You can sit in bed, on the floor or on a chair, just make sure you’re comfortable and able to sit up straight or if you prefer to lay down, just make sure you do so without a pillow. Here is a simple breathing technique you can try called “Box breathing”  simply inhale, hold, exhale, and hold for four seconds each. Do this breathing technique for a minimum of five minutes every morning. 

Step 3: Ritual for the Soul 


A simple morning Gratitude Tea Ritual can help you shift into a more grateful mindset each day, and it is a simple way to nourish your body and soul.  Say a daily gratitude prayer or reflect on three things in your life, big or small, that you’re grateful for as you sip your favorite morning tea or healthy beverage of choice. This is another opportunity to be present so take your time and take deep full breaths. When you’re done, close your eyes and think of three people in your life and send them love and gratitude.

There are many ways to empower your morning routines, and I hope these tips will inspire you to create your own unique morning rituals. Tailor make yours to align with your own unique intentions and tap into your positive vibrations.

Remember, life is ritual.